Officer of the month

Officer of the month

Our 32 years of success is due in no small part to the dedication and support of our officer team, and our independent, local status gives us the ability to monitor outstanding performance and ensure that each positive act is recognised and rewarded.

Starting with our Officer of the Month Award we notify employees who have exhibited outstanding performance either in a single noteworthy act, or who have displayed commitment over a lengthier period. Of the nominees we select one, or on occasions two to receive our Security Officer of the Month Award.

All our Officers of the Month recipients are invited to our annual Christmas function at which one will be chosen to receive the Officer of the year award with their name being added to the Kevin Pollen Memorial Shield and the award of a lasting gift.

The Christmas function is also used to acknowledge the Abbey Newcomer of the year (John Bull Memorial Award) and the most outstanding team effort during the year.

As with the Abbey Boat Club the fact that we can afford to expend such time and effort monitoring the award scheme and organising the Christmas function is proof of not only our commitment to our officers but the control that we have over the day to day management of our company.

If you would like to nominate an individual for officer of the month, please get in contact with our head office on 01284 768832 or complete our contact form.

John Bull Memorial Award

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